Tuesday, December 22, 2009

GAME Over!

Reflection: Final Blog Post

Developing a GAME plan seemed like an artificial exercise to me at first; just another way to do the same thing. However, as I paid attention and went through the process, I noticed that although goal setting and monitoring are steps I often take in planning lessons, I didn’t have a systematic approach. The GAME plan approach is easy to follow, makes sense, and is user friendly. With it in mind, I found that I was able to think through several teaching ideas and devise procedures for my students that seem to work better.

Using the GAME plan impacts my teaching because lesson delivery, monitoring, and assessments will be more timely and systematic. I also envision teaching my students to use it as they set personal writing and reading goals. With this in place, students have a way to monitor their learning on their own. Being able to see the path knowing where you are and where you need to go creates self-directed learning habits that apply to schoolwork and life in general.

I have made adjustments to my instructional practice as a result of my learning in this course. I’m adjusting curriculum documents to include technology. These additions enhance and extend the locate and state standards I must teach since they bring in more student engagement and interest. I plan to continue adjusting and enhancing. The next step is to share these ideas with other teachers in my building so that more students receive the extensions to their learning. I’ve learned a lot in this course and from my colleagues and hope to continue learning new strategies for innovation.

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